There currently isn’t a wealth of information that’s out there on the internet about the Sancoj project. Despite this, due to the theoretical use case of Zingo, its future does appear to be promising.
The World’s First Opportunity Supermarket?
Sancoj, above all, wants to be what can be called an opportunity supermarket. What this seems to boil down is that it is doing everything that it can to become the job seeker’s future best friend. Inside of this statement lies the fact that Sancoj plans to not only offer a wealth of job opportunities, but also a predictive AI agent called Zingo, that it claims will be able to predict a person’s success rate in their current career as well as what their ideal career path could be.
If you’re sitting here now and thinking that this can’t be possible, then you’re not taking an unreasonable stance. Before understanding how these lofty goals could be achieved, it is of course important to understand Sancoj’s tech and therefore, the tech behind Zyngo. To find this, Sancoj refers you to their website, although, this proved to be not such an illuminating trip because the most prominent information on Zingo was in one paragraph near the bottom of Sancoj’s landing page. This paragraph makes the point that to make its predictions, Zingo depends on the ability to take in certain user data and analyze it, although it isn’t entirely clear what data this is. On the third and fourth pages of the Sancoj white paper, the creators attempt to elaborate on Zingo, but it would be good to point out here that the fact that they only discuss what might be their main product for two pages, is usually considered to be a major red flag.
These two pages are also written in broken English that to make matters worse, is almost entirely free of technical explanations. On the other hand, there is a valid argument to be made that white papers that include too many technical specifications draw attention away from the problem that the team is trying to solve, as well as the use cases that its product has. In Sancoj’s case, however, there are almost no clear explanations as to how Zingo will do what it plans to do, including what is said in the network’s white paper. In short, if you have time to take a look at their white paper, it might be an essential exercise to do, if only to further educate yourself on what projects to avoid. Even though, here at Ifthen.ai, we try to stay as impartial as possible, with most of the press on Sancoj being mere marketing releases full of buzzwords and little substance, I would advise you to steer clear of this particular project. In the interest of a fair assessment, it could be that the project is simply undergoing difficulties related to funding and translation, as the white paper is written in moderately disjointed English. Despite this, it is still fair to say that there is almost no mention of how the tech works at all, so, it would help the team and its overall image if Sancoj could release a new white paper.
A second option could be that they keep this white paper the way it is, but release an edited version, which is actually somewhat more technical. This, in fact, is a fairly common practice in the Crypto space in order to cater to all types of interested customers. If you have not been exposed to this way of doing things yet, take a look at Pivx and what they offer as a prime example.
Looking Forward
Despite the potential of such changes, in the end, it is still possible that Sancoj does not have a fully developed product, or in the worst case scenario, any product. Furthermore, it is true on the one hand that Zingo appears promising, but this promise is lost in the fact that its creators are currently unable or unwilling to explain its technological specifications. With everything taken into consideration, for it to have any possible chance of succeeding, the team might want to implement the overall solution of ordering an outside audit on how, at least, Zingo works and then having the same results published.
Overall, it is not as if Sancoj does not have time to change things for the better.
According to their website, Zingo will launch in December of this year, which also brings to light the second important fact that they do have a clear roadmap for their proposed network as well as their proposed main product that will sit on their network. In the end, even with the possibilities related to clarifying and filling the holes in their product offering, Sancoj is still, in my opinion, a good example of a project to be wary of. Even though I am not an investment professional and I do not claim to be, it is essentially common knowledge that with any sort of technically related investment, the functions of the tech should be clear from the project’s outset, as I have mentioned above.
Think of this idea as analogous to a good business plan. Is it easy to figure out what the business does and as a connection, what problem it is trying to solve? If not, the opportunity is the equivalent of a pass. Whatever becomes of the Sancoj project, I hope that this piece serves as a decent example of what to look out for, not only when getting into ICOs, but also when considering any technically related project.
Primary Sources:
Cointelegraph on Analyzing ICOs:
Piccolo Research on Analyzing ICOs:
Sancoj: An Opportunity Supermarket:
Sancoj: Main Website:
Sancoj White Paper: