In previous pieces, we’ve spoken about the strides that are being made with AI networks in the medical industry, especially with respect to improving the process of diagnosing patients. Path.ai or PATH is one particular company that is working in this space with the goal of making the specific process of diagnosing diseases more accurate. In working to do so, PATH lists their efforts as being in three main areas, which include: clinical precision, drug development, and global health.
Clinical Precision
In working with Phillips Healthcare, PATH is reportedly focusing on eliminating as many errors as possible in the process of diagnosing certain diseases. What this partnership also appears to represent is a place for the Path.ai network to hone its skills and prepare to move on to its efforts in the drug development phase.
Drug Development
In their work in drug development, PATH finds target groups of patients who are living with certain diseases that it determines could benefit from new approaches to treatment. From here, Path.ai applies its techniques in order to prescribe new treatments that could be more helpful to these patients. According to the PATH page on the subject, throughout this process, the network uses what they call “AI-powered pathology.” At this time, it is not clear whether this pathology includes actually developing any new drugs based on the AI’s findings, but it does include working to achieve more accuracy in these treatments.
Global Health
Interestingly enough, PATH seems to also have a partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in order to spread their AI backed services to regions that it determines will need them the most. At this time, it is not clear exactly what regions these are or even if this process has even begun. Even if it has not started yet, it is still promising that the Path.ai project has the backing of such a powerful foundation with such a large amount of funds at its disposal.
Looking Ahead
Moving forward, in upcoming posts, we will analyze these areas in an individualized fashion in an attempt to determine whether PATH might have anything truly unique to offer to the medical industry.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation + Path.ai: https://www.geekwire.com/2017/path-receives-120m-gates-foundation-grant-fuel-vaccine-development-across-globe/
Company Website: https://www.pathai.com
Path.ai’s Initial Funding: https://www.xconomy.com/boston/2017/11/02/pathai-grabs-11m-to-build-a-i-tools-for-pathology/
Path.ai Partnership with Phillips Healthcare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUeScCtTng4
VentureFizz on Path.ai: https://venturefizz.com/blog/pathai-profile
GeneralCatalyst on Path.ai: https://www.generalcatalyst.com/portfolio/path-ai/