
AI Crypto Kitties?

On September 6, The Next Web broke the news that might seem like déjá vu to anyone who has been involved in the Crypto space. Crypto Kitties appeared to have come again in a new and […]


Ethereum and AI: Part 1

By now, you probably all know what the Ethereum Network is. Because of this, you probably also already understand that it is both arguably the perfect place and the worst place for AI to exist, […]


What is Skychain?

Uncovering the truth? “Skychain global looks to save millions of people.” Before jumping into what Skychain is and what they are hoping to accomplish, it is important to lay out the allegations that exist against […]


What is PATH AI?

In previous pieces, we’ve spoken about the strides that are being made with AI networks in the medical industry, especially with respect to improving the process of diagnosing patients. or PATH is one particular company […]


What is (Part 1)

Even if your only experience with the AI space has been on our site, then you have already read a bit about the industry’s push to revolutionize the health care industry. is one of the […]


What is

Your Crypto Asset Tracker As with any market, in the case of the Cryptocurrency space, almost all investors are searching for the best possible way to predict the future price movements of certain assets. In […]