
What is

Can the blockchain community teach AI developers something? Better yet, is it possible for the AI industry to shift towards an open-source culture? Judging by the mission of, the answer to both of these […]

AI News

What is the GPT-2?

Last week,, which was an Elon Musk-backed AI company, released research that illustrates the capabilities of its’ AI system called the GPT-2. While this does represent an impressive achievement in with regards to unsupervised […]


AI Crypto Kitties?

On September 6, The Next Web broke the news that might seem like déjá vu to anyone who has been involved in the Crypto space. Crypto Kitties appeared to have come again in a new and […]


How is AI Used in Hollywood?

What if we could tell whether a film will be successful before production even began? According to one AI startup called Scriptbook, we can and all that it takes is a particular AI system that […]

Artificial Intelligence Black Box
Machine Learning

What is the Machine Learning Black Box?

As artificial intelligence systems get smarter and more complex, one of the mysteries or fears that has taken root is the artificial intelligence or machine learning “black box”. Traditionally, a black box is an indestructible […]